Elmarit-R 2.8/180mm (I)

Leitz Elmarit-R 2.8/180, 3-cam lens in near mint condition (A/B), with Leitz series VIII ring 14165, UVa filter and caps, made in Germany c1974
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Euro 240,-

Elmarit-R 2.8/19mm (II)

11329, Leica Elmarit-R 2.8/19mm ROM, with built-in turret w. ND1, yellow, orange, KB12 filter, in near mint condition (A/B), clean lenses, smooth focusing, with original caps, lens hood 12546, case and makers box, Germany c2002
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Euro 3.780,-

Leica Extender-R 2x

11236 Leitz Wetzlar Extender-R 2x for Leica R, in good shape (B+), with caps
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Euro 99,-

Leitz Telyt-R 4/250mm

Leitz Telyt-R 1:4/250, 3-cam lens in very good shape (B+), clean lenses, smooth focusing, with both caps, made in Canada c1977
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Euro 240,-

Macro-Elmarit-R 2.8/60mm

LEICA MACRO-ELMARIT-R 1:2.8/60mm, made by Leitz Wetzlar Germany c1979, 3-cam lens in good shape (B+), with caps
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Euro 450,-

Summicron-R 2/35mm 2.Mod.

Leitz Wetzlar Summicron-R 1:2/35 11115, 2nd model, 3-cam, with built-in lens hood, the lens is in near mint condition (B/A), with caps and Leica E55 UVa filter 13373, Germany c1979
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Euro 980,-

Summicron-R 2/50 (I)

Leitz Wetzlar Summicron-R 1:2/50mm (2-cam), with normal signs of wear (B), with lens hood 12564 and caps, c1970
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Euro 260,-

Summicron-R 2/50 E55

Leica Summicron-R 1:2/50mm, 2nd version with E55 filter size, near mint condition (A/B), clean lenses, smooth focusing, c1984
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Euro 360,-

Summicron-R 2/90mm

Leitz Summicron-R 1:2/90mm, 11219, 3-cam, E55, Canada c1981, with caps, good shape (B+), clean lenses, smooth focusing
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Euro 490,-

Summilux-R 1.4/35mm

Leica Summilux-R 1:1.4/35, 11144 (R), in near mint condition (A-), with caps, case and Leica E67 UVa filter, Germany c1991
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Euro 3.880,-

Super-Elmar-R 3.5/15

Leitz Wetzlar Super-Elmar-R 1:3.5/15mm, code 11213, useable for Leica R, Leicaflex SL2 or digital use, first batch, Germany c1979
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Euro 1.980,-

Vario-Elmar-R 28-70mm

Leitz/ Leica Vario-Elmar-R 3.5-4.5/28-70mm (3-cam), in near mint condition (A/B). with caps, c1991
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Euro 240,-

Vario-Elmar-R 4.5/80-200

Leitz Wetzlar Vario-Elmarit-R 1:4.5/80-200mm, code 11224, with caps, lens made in Japan, c1974, the lens was designed by Minolta, it was the first zoom lens made by Minolta for Leitz
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Euro 150,-
Camera 31
Franz Gibiser
Westbahnstraße 31
1070 Wien, Austria
T: +43 (1) 522 60 60
F: +43 (1) 522 58 75
Neue Öffnungszeiten:
Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Freitag 10:00-15:00
Donnerstag 13:00-19:00 ab 2.11.2023


In dieser Tabelle sehen Sie die Beschreibung der jeweiligen Angaben zum Zustand. Es ist weiters möglich, dass die Angaben kombiniert bzw. mit einem Plus (+) oder einem Minus (-) genauer spezifiziert sind.

A: Neuware, unverwendet und in originaler Verpackung
A/B: Wie Neu, minimale Gebrauchsspuren
B: Sehr gut erhalten, leichte Gebrauchspuren
C: Normaler Zustand, stärkere Gebrauchsspuren
D: Massive Gebrauchsspuren, teilweise defekt

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